Distance-learning ATPL/IR theory courses are intended for those aspiring to become airline pilots or take their skills beyond the PPL(A) level.
The courses are aimed at providing students with the knowledge required to serve as professional pilot, and / or to fly by instruments. Courses are organized as self-study blocks interspersed with consultations at our premises in person with experienced tutors - mostly professional pilots or specialists in the field in question. Graduates are ready to take official theory exams with the Czech Civil Aviation Authority.
Do you want to sign up for a theory course?
ATPL(A) Theory
We are opening a new distance learning course in May 2024
"Learn more than just ATPL theory, become a pilot with us"
"Practical exercises that will prepare you for interview and real operation at airlines"
A new distance learning course will begin in May 2024
Enroll today
Duration of the course: May-November 2024
- May-July: self-study
- August - November: self-study + 4 weekends block of lessons with lectors
High quality study materials provided (included in the price)
Knowledge, Skills and Attitudes (KSA) assessments = real preparation for airline selection procedure included
CAA examination possible already in Septermber 2024.
For more information please contact Michaela Nemeckova at nemeckova@f-air.cz
Course Materials
- Computer Based Training for unlimited time period with update for the first 12 months
- Access to the Aviationexam test portal for 6 months
- 65 hours of lectures led by professional lecturers
- Equipped F AIR pilot bag (navigation computer, calculator, etc.)
- The lectures also include preparation for psychological exercises in airline selection procedures in the form of KSA assessments
- Assessment were consulted and approved by professional aviation psychologist and are designed similarly to psychologist tests used during airline selection procedures
- Not only compliance with regulatory requirements, but real preparation for airline selection procedure and airline operations
Enrollment Requirements
- PPL(A) license or higher
- Medical Class II Certificate or higher
- 17 years of age or older
- adequate English skills - preferably ICAO Aviation English certificate
- adequate aptitude in mathematics and physics
- Air Law
- Airframe, Systems, Engines and Electrics
- Instrumentation
- Mass and Balance
- Performance
- Flight Planning and Monitoring
- Human Performance and Limitations
- Meteorology
- General Navigation
- Radio Navigation
- Operational Procedures
- Principles of Flight
- Communication
- Knowledge, Skills and Attitudes (KSA)
We also offer the ATPL(A) 400 course (for CPL(A) holders) and the ATPL(A) 500 course (for IR(A) holders).
CPL(A) Theory
CPL(A) Theory is intended for PPL(A) holders looking to upgrade their license to commercial. The course is organized as self-study with periodic consultations. Once you complete the course, you will be issued a certificate against which the Czech Civil Aviation Authority will accept your application for examination.
Once you have started CPL(A) Theory, you can sign up for CPL(A) flight training.
Enrollment Requirements
- PPL(A) license or higher
- Medical Class II Certificate or higher
- 17 years of age or older
- adequate English skills - preferably ICAO Aviation English certificate
- adequate aptitude in mathematics and physics
Course Materials
- Oxford Aviation Academy textbook (available for sale or rent)
- CBT Oxford Aviation Academy (available for sale)
- Air Law
- Airframe, Systems, Engines and Electrics
- Instrumentation
- Mass and Balance
- Performance
- Flight Planning and Monitoring
- Human Performance and Limitations
- Meteorology
- General Navigation
- Radio Navigation
- Operational Procedures
- Principles of Flight
- VFR Communication
IR(A) Theory
We will open a new course in October 2021. If you are interested, please contact us at: nemeckova@f-air.cz
If you are looking to gain an instrument flight rating for your PPL(A) license, IR(A) Theory is an essential component. The course is organized as self-study with periodic consultations. Once you complete the course, you will be issued a certificate against which the Czech Civil Aviation Authority will accept your application for examination.
Once you have started IR(A) Theory, you can sign up for IR(A) flight training.
Enrollment Requirements
- PPL(A) license or higher
- Medical Class II Certificate (with audiometrics) or higher
- 17 years of age or older
- adequate English skills - preferably ICAO Aviation English certificate
Course Materials
- Bristol IR electronic text books for unlimited time period with update for the first 12 months
- Air Law
- Instrumentation
- Flight Planning and Monitoring
- Human Performance and Limitations
- Meteorology
- Radio Navigation
- IFR Communication
EIR(A) Theory
If you are looking to gain an en-route instrument flight rating for your PPL(A) license, IR(A) Theory is an essential component. The course is organized as self-study with periodic consultations. Once you complete the course, you will be issued a certificate against which the Czech Civil Aviation Authority will accept your application for examination.
Enrollment Requirements
- PPL(A) license or higher
- Medical Class II Certificate of higher
- 17 years of age or older
- adequate English skills - preferably ICAO Aviation English certificate
Course Materials
- Oxford Aviation Academy textbook (available for sale or rent)
- CBT Oxford Aviation Academy (available for sale)
- Air Law
- Instrumentation
- Flight Planning and Monitoring
- Human Performance and Limitations
- Meteorology
- Radio Navigation
- IFR Communication