Are you planning to purchase or have already purchased your own airplane, and are looking for an operator to take professional care of all operational and maintenance agenda related to your plane? We have many years of experience providing such services. We offer:
- in-house AMO and CAMO or external outsourcing of AMO and CAMO works
- aircraft documentation maintenance and certification (radio station permit, insurance, etc.)
- aircraft log maintenance
- liaison with Czech Civil Aviation Authority, Czech Telecommunications Office, etc.
- hangar facilities at Benešov Airport (LKBE)
- preparation at appron
- post-flight storage in hangar
- interior and exterior cleaning before each flight
- refueling to pilot's specifications
- regular replenishment of engine fluids
- mechanic's inspection before the day's first flight or upon request
- flight school facilities - planning software, study materials, etc.
- dispatch services
Looking to purchase a new or used airplane? Inquire with our TECNAM Aircraft Sales or used plane sales staff.